第九届激光与光电子国际研讨会(LOC 2024) (LOC 2024)

会议形式: 线下会议
主办单位:Academic Communications
会议简介 Brief Introduction
第九届激光与光电子国际研讨会(LOC 2024)将于2024年12月6-8日在三亚举行。本届大会将继续遵循学术性、国际性的原则,特邀国内外激光与光电子学领域内的学者专家前来参会,并做出精彩的报告。


三亚,(Sanya City)位于海南岛的最南端,是中国最南部的热带滨海旅游城市,全国空气质量最好的城市,全国最长寿地区(平均寿命80岁)。三亚市别称鹿城,又被称为“东方夏威夷”,位居中国四大一线旅游城市“三威杭厦”之首,它拥有全海南岛最美丽的海滨风光。东邻陵水县,西接乐东县,北毗保亭县,南临南海。陆地总面积1919.58平方公里,海域总面积6000平方公里,其中规划市区面积约37平方公里。东西长91.6公里,南北宽51公里,常住人口为53.6万人,聚居了汉、黎、苗、回等20多个民族。美丽的三亚市是中国通向世界的门户之一。三亚是海南省南部的中心城市和交通通信枢纽,也是中国东南沿海对外开放黄金海岸线上最南端的对外贸易重要口岸。

重要信息 Highlights

12月6日 12月7日 12月8日
特邀专家报告 口头报告
10:00-10:20 茶歇 茶歇
10:20-12:00 特邀专家报告 口头报告
14:00-16:00 注册 特邀专家报告
16:00-16:20 茶歇
16:20-18:00 特邀专家报告

1. 具体会议日程(含报告时间和会场安排)将在会前一个半月左右发布。请您注意查收邮件和微信通知,并按照Program准备您的口头报告/海报。

2. Keynote Speech 时长45分钟 (含Q&A),Oral Presentation 时长15-20分钟(含Q&A),语言为英文。请准备好PPT或PDF文件带至会场,其它设备由组委会提供。
Poster Presentation作者请按照1.6 X 0.6 四角打孔的尺寸要求制作好海报并携带至会场。

3. 可现场缴费,请联系组委会提供请注册ID,参会人姓名和单位,并确认住宿和出行安排。既没缴费,也没告知我们需要现场缴费的,在不知您是否参会的情况下,将不做任何安排。

4. 如需在开会的时候拿到发表的纸质期刊,请在会前一个半月完成全文缴费并提交终版文章和版权。现场缴费的全文将在会后进行发表,并邮寄期刊。

5. 请大家缴纳注册费之前先仔细查阅退款说明,并看好报告安排再决定是否参加,在最终日程出来之前尽量不要提前购买机票/车票。未看日程安排贸然前来参会、未提供完整参会人信息、未确认是否现场缴费、未确认酒店住房相关事宜,如因上述问题导致工作人员无法给您安排参会或住房,到会场之后产生任何纠纷,恕不再受理。望理解。

征稿主题 Call for Paper
Lasers, amplifiers, micro/nano-photonic devices
Solid-state-, liquid and gas lasers, technology and devices
Fiber lasers, cw and pulsed; amplification, ultra wideband, mode-locked, nonlinear effects
High Energy/Average Power Lasers
Micro fabricated devices, on-chip applications
Nonlinear effects in micro and nano devices

Laser Processing of Materials
Femtosecond laser processing
Laser micro- and nanoprocessing
Laser Nanopatterning
Laser Synthesis of Nanomaterials
Laser Direct Write
Laser assisted fabrication of novel opto-electronic devices

Terahertz Technologies and Applications
Ultrafast time-domain systems
Direct generation using terahertz lasers
Cw generation based on nonlinear optical mixing
New terahertz measurement techniques and instrumentation
Advances in imaging configurations, detector technologies, and terahertz optical components
Terahertz optical measurements
Applications using terahertz radiation for spectroscopy, sensing, and imaging

Ultrafast Optics, Optoelectronic Devices and Applications
Optical phase control in ultrafast laser systems
Ultrafast optoelectronic and electro-optic materials, devices, and systems
Ultrafast measurement techniques
Applications of ultrafast technology
Ultrafast amplification and schemes

Short-pulse, solid-state, semiconductor, fiber, waveguide optical sources and devices
Fiber-optic sensor and networks
White LED and related technologies
Electro-optic modulators and related advanced modulation format technologies
Advanced radio-over-fiber devices and related technologies
Intelligent optoelectronic devices and optical switching
Grating-based devices and related technologies
Slow and fast light devices and related technologies
Free-space communications related devices and technologies
Systems or devices for optical and digital image processing

Biophotonics and Optofluidics
Laser medical diagnostics and therapeutics
Biosensing including spectroscopic optical diagnostics
Optical coherence tomography
Photoacoustic techniques
Optics in biotechnology
Lab-on-chip devices
Microfluidically tunable or reconfigurable optical and photonic systems
Optofluidic assembly and lithographic techniques

Active Optical Sensing and Metrology
New optical devices, instruments, and technologies for precision measurements
Optical frequency standards; length, distance, and dimensional metrology; lasers, supercontinua, and broadband sources
Frequency-comb generation, control, and applications; carrier-envelope phase control
Chemical and biological agent detection and identification
Atmospheric monitoring, indoor, outdoor, industrial, combustion, emissions
New: Laser spectroscopy for Breath Analysis

Other Related Topics
注册费用 Registration
Package A:  仅参会(无报告)   USD 400 (RMB 2400) 
Package B:  参会 + 摘要报告   USD 450 (RMB 2700) 
Package C:  参会 + 全文发表 + 报告   USD 600 (RMB 3600) 

1. 可参加所有会场
2. 会议期间午餐(12月7, 8日)
3. 会议期间晚餐(12月7日晚)
4. 会议期间茶歇

5. 会议指南及会议期刊各一本

• Package C全文发表作者请直接投递全文至系统或邮箱,全文将被发表,且安排会议报告;Package B参会作报告作者仅需投递摘要部分即可,摘要部分不发表,仅作为报告材料收录在会议指南中。
• 请于2024年11月15日之前完成所有注册缴费步骤,否则视为撤稿,不予安排参会事宜。

出版信息 Publication

出版物:所有被会议录用的英文稿件将会发表在开源期刊上, 更多详情请与我们联系(contact12@academicx.org)。

注:1. 如果您只是参会作报告,不需要发表文章,您只需要将您的摘要提交到投稿系统
2. 您可点击左上角注册按钮下方Template for Manuscripts下载全文投稿模板,按照此模板准备文章。全文篇幅建议15页左右(按照模板格式,带图和参考文献),超过20页需缴纳超页费。摘要投稿无格式要求,具备标题、内容、关键词、作者信息即可,篇幅建议控制在1页以内,最长不超过2页
3. 投稿之后3-5个工作日内您会收到审核结果,如逾期未收到邮件通知,请您尽快联系我们。
4. 可投中文稿件,文章题目、摘要,关键词需要中英双语,正文部分为中文(可联系我们索取模板文档)。参会时口头报告/海报张贴必须做英文的。
参会方式 Type of Attendance
Package A:  仅参会(无报告)   USD 400 (RMB 2400) 
Package B:  参会 + 摘要报告   USD 450 (RMB 2700) 
Package C:  参会 + 全文发表 + 报告   USD 600 (RMB 3600) 

1. 可参加所有会场
2. 会议期间午餐(12月7, 8日)
3. 会议期间晚餐(12月7日晚)
4. 会议期间茶歇

5. 会议指南及会议期刊各一本

• Package C全文发表作者请直接投递全文至系统或邮箱,全文将被发表,且安排会议报告;Package B参会作报告作者仅需投递摘要部分即可,摘要部分不发表,仅作为报告材料收录在会议指南中。
• 请于2024年11月15日之前完成所有注册缴费步骤,否则视为撤稿,不予安排参会事宜。

会议酒店信息 Venue
三亚宝宏大酒店是一家高端商务会议与休闲度假为一体的高星级度假酒店。位于碧 波湛蓝的大东海之滨,犹如一颗璀璨的珍珠睡卧在风景旖旎的鹿回头景区脚下。大东海 长约7公里的海岸线上,在您领略北纬18度三亚特有的热带风光同时,尽情的享受酒店 私属海滩带给您身心舒畅的感受。
酒店于2000年初投入5亿元巨资建造,自2005年开业,酒店拥有多款可满足您不 同需求、温馨舒适的客房460间/套;主楼为古典、高雅的欧式风格建筑,彰显典雅的生 活品味与高贵的气质;尚海华廷于2015年开业为现代风格,均配宽大的观景阳台,质 朴、自然。

地址: 中国海南省三亚市大东海旅游度假区海韵路18号,三亚宝宏大酒店
电话:+86 898 8855 8899
传真: +86 898 8820 0020
官网: www.syjjbaohonghotel.com

豪华双床房/大床房: 300元/晚 (含早)
商务双床房/大床房: 360元/晚 (含早)

1.您的注册ID(论文编号/用户 ID)
4.房间类型(单或标准 )

1. 保持您的电子邮件与电话联系通畅。






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Guest Speaker

Prof. Yang Yue

嘉宾类型: 特邀嘉宾
职称: 教授
学校/单位: Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Yang Yue received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering and optics from Nankai University, China, in 2004 and 2007, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California, USA, in 2012. He is a Professor with the School of Information and Communications Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. Dr. Yue’s current research interest is intelligent photonics, including optical communications, optical perception, and optical chip. He has published ~300 journal papers (including Science) and conference proceedings with >12,000 citations, one book, seven edited books, two book chapters, >60 issued or pending patents, >200 invited presentations (including 1 tutorial, >30 plenary and >80 keynote talks). Dr. Yue is a Fellow of SPIE, a Senior Member of IEEE and Optica. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Access and Frontiers in Physics, Editor Board Member for four other scientific journals, Guest Editor for >10 journal special issues. He also served as Chair or Committee Member for >100 international conferences, Reviewer for >70 prestigious journals.

Prof. Mário F. S. Ferreira

嘉宾类型: 特邀嘉宾
职称: 教授
学校/单位: Department of Physics, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Mário F. S. Ferreira graduated in Physics from the University of Porto, Portugal, and received the Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1992 from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, where he is now a Professor at the Physics Department. Between 1990 and 1991 he was at the University of Essex, UK, performing experimental work on external cavity semiconductor lasers and nonlinear optical fiber amplifiers. His research interests have been concerned with the modelling and characterization of multi-section semiconductor lasers for coherent systems, quantum well lasers, optical fiber amplifiers and lasers, soliton propagation, polarization and nonlinear effects in optical fibers. He has written about 400 scientific journal and conference publications, and several books, namely: “Optics and Photonics” (Lidel, 2003, in Portuguese), “Topics of Mathematical Physics” (Editora Ciência Moderna, 2018, Brazil, in Portuguese), “Optical Fibers: Technology, Communications and recent Advances” (Ed., NOVA Science Publishers, 2017), “Advances in Optoelectronic Technology and Industry Development” (CRC Press, 2019), “Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibers” (John Wiley & Sons, OSA, 2011), “Optical Signal Processing in Highly Nonlinear Fibers” (CRC Press, 2020), “Optical Fiber Technology and Applications – Recent Advances” (IOP Publishing, 2021), “Solitons in Optical Fiber Systems” (John Wiley & Sons, 2022), and “Dissipative Optical Solitons” (Springer, 2022). He was the Guest Editor of five Special Issues of “Fiber and Integrated Optics” (Taylor & Francis): “Fiber Optics in Portugal” (2005), “Nonlinear Fiber Optics” (2015), “Optical Fiber Sources and Amplifiers” (2020) and “Quantum Communications” (2020), a joint Special Issue of “Optics Express” and “Applied Optics” (OSA) on “Optical Sensors and Sensing 2019”, and two Special Issues of “Fibers” (MDPI) on “Optical Fiber Communications” and “Specialty Optical Fibers – Material, Fabrication and Applications” (2022), and and a Special Issue of “Fibers” (MDPI) on “Optical Fiber Communications” (2020). He is Member of IEEE, a Senior Member and a Travelling Lecturer of both of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, He served in various committees of OSA and of SPIE, as well as in the organizing and scientific committees of various international conferences. Actually, he serves also as an Associate Editor or as an Advisor Board Member of several international journals in the area of optics and photonics.

Prof. Shuqin Lou

嘉宾类型: 特邀嘉宾
职称: 教授
学校/单位: the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Shuqin Lou is currently a full-time Professor in the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China. She got Ph.D degree of information and communication engineering in Beijing Jiaotong University in 2005. Her Master degree and Bachelor degree were both gotten from Harbin Institute of Technology, China. Her current research interests include microstructured fiber, fiber components, fiber laser and fiber sensor system. She has held more than 20 research projects in her research areas. Up to now she has published more than 220 journal papers and 60 conference papers and ten books. She has gotten 19 patents authorized.

Prof. Nanguang Chen

嘉宾类型: 特邀嘉宾
职称: 教授
学校/单位: National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Nanguang Chen is currently an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2000 from Tsinghua University. He also received his MSc in Physics and BSc in Electrical Engineering in 1994 (Peking University), and 1988 (Hunan University), respectively. He joined the Optical and Ultrasound Imaging Lab at the University of Connecticut in 2000 as a postdoctoral fellow and then became an Assistant Research Professor in 2002. Since 2004, he has been a faculty member with NUS. His research interests include diffuse optical tomography, optical coherence tomography, and novel microscopic imaging methods.

Prof. Shengjun Zhou

嘉宾类型: 特邀嘉宾
职称: 教授
学校/单位: Wuhan University, China
Shengjun Zhou received the Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2011. He is now a Professor at Wuhan University. His current research interests lie in the areas of GaN-based blue/green/ultraviolet LEDs, nitride semiconductors, nanoimprint lithography and direct laser writing with applications in electronic and photonic devices. He is well known as an industrial technologist. Prior to joining Wuhan University, he was a CTO at Quantum Wafer Inc. from 2011 to 2014, focusing on the development of high-brightness GaN-based high-power LEDs. He was a research fellow at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, from 2014 to 2015. He received many academic awards including IOP Publishing CHINA TOP CITED PAPER AWARD, distinguished Young Scholar of Hubei province, Chutian Scholar of Hubei province, and Luojia Young Scholar of Wuhan University. He has published more than 70 papers and holds 20 patents. He is Co-chair of the Organizing Committee for IEEE ICEPT 2016 conference. He served as committee member for many conferences.
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2022-8-30 10:00:00
论文投稿 参会报名