



论文架构- 以系统为主的研究


n 标题及作者: Title and authors


n 摘要: Abstract


n 简介: Introduction


n 相关研究: Relevant Research (Literature Review)


系统架构: System Structure


n 研究方法(算法): XXX Approach (Algorithm)


n 系统制作、实验及评量: Experiments and Evaluation


n 结论


n 参考文献


论文架构- 以方法为主的研究


n 标题及作者: Title and authors


n 摘要: Abstract


n 简介: Introduction


n 相关研究: Relevant Research (Literature Review)


问题描述: Problem Definition


n 研究方法(算法): XXX Approach (Algorithm)


n 系统制作、实验及评量: Experiments and Evaluation


n 结论


n 参考文献




n 10-15 字


n 能立即呈现研究的目的及贡献


n Development of a Testing System (X)


n A New Test Sheet Generating Method (X)


n A Novel Approach to Composing Test sheets for Multiple Assessment Criteria in Building Testing Systems (O)

n Development of A Testing System to meet Multiple Assessment Requirements








n 内容:简介的浓缩版


n 字数:200-300 字


n 包含


n 研究动机


n 研究目的(问题的描述)


n 研究方法(概念性的描述)


n 研究成果(实验结果及贡献)


Computer skill certification test is one of the most important tests to evaluate the computer ability


of students. As the test is held frequently, it is critical to efficiently and effectively compose test


sheets from a large item bank containing over ten thousands of test items. To fairly certificate the


computer skills of students, the composed test sheets must meet multiple assessment criteria, such


as the ratio of relevant concepts to be evaluated, the average discrimination degree, difficulty


degree and estimated testing time. It will take significantly long time to compose an optimal test


sheet from a large item bank by generating and testing each possible candidate combination of test


items. To cope with  this problem,  a tabu search-based approach is  proposed to improve the


efficiency for composing near-optimal test sheets from very large item banks to meet multiple


assessment criteria. Based on the proposed approach, a computer-assisted testing system has been


developed; moreover, a series of experiments have been conducted to compare the efficiency and


efficacy of the novel approach with other approaches. From the experimental results, it can be


seen that the novel approach is desirable in composing near-optimal test sheets from large item


banks.  (最后一段强调研究目的及贡献)




n 内容:摘要的结论加上未来的发展或改进方向


n 字数:300-1000 字


n 包含


n 研究成果(实验结果及贡献)


n 未来可能的发展或改进的方向


In this paper, a tabu search-based approach, BMST (Bit-Map Selection with Tabu), is proposed to cope with the test sheet-generating problems. BMST algorithm has been embedded in a computer



skill certification system with large-scale test banks that are accessible to students as well as instructors through the world-wide-web. (强调研究目的)



To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, two experiments have been conducted to compare the execution time and the solution quality of four solution-seeking strategies on eighteen item banks. Experimental results manifest that test sheets with near-optimal discrimination degrees can be obtained in a much shorter time by employing the novel approach.(强调研究贡




For further extensive applications, some collaborative plans with some local electronic companies are proceeding, in which the novel approach is applied to test and train junior engineers, such as the knowledge and skills of Nano Self-Assembly, Quantum Dot Self-Assembly, Copolymer Self-Assembly, Electrostatic Self-Assembly, etc.


论文编排- 层次要清楚


Introduction --- font size (14, bold)


Relevant Research


Problem Definitions


3.1 A problem --- font size (12, bold)


3.2 B problem


4. A Novel Approach


4.1 Common problem solving model


n …. font size (12, normal)


n ….


Implementation and Evaluation






论文编排- 非必要不要内缩


4. A Novel Approach




4.1 Common problem solving model




· Model 1




(1) …. font size (12, normal)


(2) ….






· Model 2


(1) …. font size (12, normal)


(2) ….












n 尽量避免太多的第一人称主词


n (X) We implemented a web-based learning system to cope with this problem.


n (O) A web-based learning system has been implemented to cope with this problem.

n 注意标点符号的使用(紧邻前一字,后面空一格)


n He like the idea,ðand so do I.ð


n The system failed again;ðtherefore,ðhe decided to reinstall it.ð


n 善用连接词


n 因; therefore,  正果 (因此、于是)


n 因; consequently, 正果 (因此、于是)


n As  因,  正果 (因此、于是)


n 因; nevertheless,  负果 (然而、但是)


n 因; however,负果(然而、但是)


n Although 因,负果(然而、但是)


n 常用句型


n It can be seen that …. (由此可知:...)


n It is obvious that …. (显而易见的:...)


n By assuming that …. (假设...)



n E.g.,


n Based on the experimental results, it can be seen that our approach can achieve better performance.

n By assuming that x = 1, we have Y = X + 1 = 2; therefore, 2 is the final output.


n IEEE  的期刊


n 提供在线投稿及审查进度查询


n 接受后直接与编审人员以 e-mail 或信件联络


n Elsevier  的期刊


n 大多用纸本投稿 (例如 Computers & Education),但有些期刊接受在线投稿


(例如 Knowledge-Based Systems)


n 接受后提供在线的排版及刊登进度的查询


n 其它期刊


n 大多以 e-mail 投稿


n 不提供在线查询






Dear Prof. Gonzalez,


Attached please find our manuscript entitled "A Concept-based Cooperative Learning Approach for Science Courses" submitted to Second International Conference on Multimedia and ICTs in Education (m-ICTE 2003) for possible presentation. Your acknowledge will be highly appreciated.



Thank you.






Gwo-Jen Hwang


Professor of Information Management Department


National Chi Nan University


Pu-Li, Nan-Tou, Taiwan 545, R. O. C.








Dear Editor,




We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.



GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.





Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I am



Sincerely yours,


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