组织机构 Organization and Committee
Guest Speaker
Prof. Yun Li
Shenzhen Institute for Advanced Study, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chi
Professor Yun Li FIEEE obtained his PhD from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, and has researched into intelligent systems and "AI for Engineering" for over 30 years. He taught at University of Glasgow for 28 years, where he was recognized as the second Top Author and served as the founding Director of University of Glasgow Singapore. Since 2021, he has been Director of Industrial Artificial Intelligence Centre at Shenzhen Institute for Advanced Study, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
Inspired by AI, his early work resolved issues in PID control that had been puzzling practicing engineers for over 50 years. He has led or co-led over 30 research projects in the UK, EU, Singapore, and China, equivalent to over 20 million pounds in funding. Currently, his research focuses on explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) and Computer-Automated Design (CAutoD, EDA), leading 2 major research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China for the next-generation AI models with grey-box XAI technology and by the National Key R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China for the next-generation AI chips with compute-in-memory technology. He has published over 300 papers and books, and holds 20 patents in China, Europe, United States and Japan.
Prof. Shaoliang Peng
Hunan University, China
Dr. Peng is currently the executive director and a Changjiang Scholars professor with the National Supercomputing Center and College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, China. He has authored or coauthored dozens of academic papers in several internationally influential journals, including Science, Nature Communications, Cell, The American Journal of Human Genetics, Nucleic Acids Research, Genome Research, Bioinformatics, ACM/IEEE Transactions, Bioinformatics, and Biomedicine. His research interests include high-performance computing, bioinformatics, big data, precision medicine, health informatics, and computer-aided drug design. He was the editor of several international journals, including executive editors of the International Journal of Biological Sciences and an executive editors-in-chief of Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences International Journal. He was the chairman and sponsor of the Hunan Provincial Bioinformatics Society, China, the deputy director of Biological Information Professional Group in CCF, and invited speaker of the BIBM 2016 conference.
Prof. Julio Gonzalo
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain
Julio Gonzalo is director of the UNED Research Center in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Information Retrieval (IR) in Madrid. Along his career he has worked on topics such as online reputation monitoring, toxicity and misinformation in Social Media, interactive cross-language search, computational creativity and semantic similarity. He has also worked extensively in the design and assessment of evaluation metrics for a wide range of Artificial Intelligence problems, which led to a Google Faculty Research Award (together with Enrique Amigó and Stefano Mizzaro). He has recently been general co-chair of ACM SIGIR 2022 and of IberLEF 2019-2022, the annual evaluation campaign for NLP systems in Spanish and other Iberian languages. He is currently leading ODESIA (, a Spanish government initiative to measure the state of the art of language technologies in Spanish.
推荐 第二届智能电网与电力系统国际会议
推荐 第二届智能控制、测量与信号系统国际会议
推荐 第三届传感、测量、通信和物联网技术国际会议
推荐 第十一届土木工程国际会议